Help Us Keep The Robert E. Lee High School Name

From The Duval County School Board Superintendent
July 8, 2020
Thank you for your email regarding the Board’s recent action to initiate the renaming process for Robert E. Lee High School. The School Board has a very well-defined procedure for renaming schools and it is found in Board Policy 8.59 – Naming and Renaming Schools. A copy of the policy can be found at the below link Chapter 8 Board Policy. This policy requires extensive stakeholder engagement to include input from each school’s SAC, PTA, faculty/staff, students, alumni, and community members within the school’s attendance zone. As a member of one of these stakeholder groups for Robert E. Lee, you will have the opportunity to participate in the process. Please be assured that we will comply with these requirements before a recommendation for either a name change or for the name to remain the same is submitted to the Board.
I appreciate you sharing your concern with me as well as information regarding the history of Robert E. Lee and the community support for the school. I encourage you to reach out to Brian K. McDuffie, Esq., Executive Director, Office of Policy and Compliance, [email protected] if you have further questions.
Kind regards,
Dr. Diana Greene
Duval County Public Schools
1701 Prudential Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Tel: (904)390-2115
Fax: (904)390-2586